How to get to Koyasan(Mouont Koya)? Directions by train/bus/car, etc.
The main transportation to get to Koyasan are train & cable, private car, and express bus. If you are traveling to Koyasan from far away, there are also many options, such as taking the Shinkansen(bullet train), airplane, or overnight bus partway. Which transportation is best for a comfortable trip? Let us compare the recommended means of transportation by departure location and situation. We use our original topographical map to make it easier to understand the location and other information.
The location guide of Koyasan
Koyasan is one of the most religious cities in the world, founded by Kukai(Kobo Taishi).Koyasan is also called "holy site of the sky".In what kind of place is Koyasan located? Let's see relationship with the major cities or other tourist sights on a geographical map.The routes shown in the map below are routes to Koyasan by car or highway bus from cities such as Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Kobe, or from tourist destinations in the Kii Mountain Range such as Yoshino and Kumano, which are also registered as World Heritage sites.
As you can see from the map, Koyasan is located in southern part of the Kinki region. It is also located in the northwestern part of the Kii mountain range and is surrounded by peaks in the 1000 meter range. "Koyasan" means "Mount Koya", but there is no peak named "Koyasan". In the past, "Koyasan" was the generic name for the entire area, but today the name "Koyasan" refers to a small mountain-top basin (6km east to west and 3km north to south) at an altitude of around 800m, where the main temple complex is located. Since Koyasan has been a pilgrimage site since ancient times, it has a well-developed transportation network despite its mountainous location. It is possible to make a light day trip from Wakayama, Osaka, Nara, etc. Table of Contents
How far and how long does it take to get to Koyasan?
The next step is to get some idea of how far it is from the cities to Koyasan. The following is a summary of distances from major cities and tourist attractions in the area to Koyasan and the approximate time required to get there by car. All of the routes are shown in the roadmap above. Only the route from Tokyo is cut off on the east side from the Toyota Higashi Junction. Starting points of cities are assumed to be highway entrances, junctions, or other transportation hubs. The arrival point is assumed to be the "Daimon-minami" parking, which is closer to Daimon, the main entrance to Koyasan, and is more likely to be available than other parking lots.
From Wakayama City (Wakayama Interchange) to Koyasan
Distance: 50 km Travel time: 1 hour
From Kansai International Airport (KIX) to Koyasan
Distance: 68 km Travel time: 1 hour 13 minutes
From central Osaka (Dojima Ramp) to Koyasan
Distance: 83 km Travel time: 1.5 to 2 hours
From Kobe (Shinko Ramp) to Koyasan
Distance: 104 km Travel time: 2 hours
From Kyoto (Kamitoba Interchange) to Koyasan
Distance: 114 km Travel time: 2 hours
From Nara (Nara Park) to Koyasan
Distance: 86 km Travel time: 1.5 hours
From Nagoya (Nagoya Nishi Junction) to Koyasan
Distance: 204 km Travel time: 3.5 hours
From Tokyo (Tokyo Interchange) to Koyasan
Distance: 526 km Travel time: around 7 hours (via Yokkaichi Junction on the New Tomei and Isewan Coastal Highway)
From Ryujin Onsen to Koyasan
Distance: 52 km Travel time: 1 hour
From Kumano (Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine) to Koyasan
Distance: 80 km Travel time: 1 hour 50 minutes (via Totsukawa)
From Yoshino (Yoshinoyama) to Koyasan
Distance: 65.2 km Duration: 1.5 hours
From Ise Jingu to Koyasan
Distance: 165 km Travel time: 3 hours 20 minutes
All routes are based on the assumption that the shortest route is chosen in principle and that toll roads are used if available, and that the time required is based on the assumption that there is no traffic congestion. Please consider road conditions and additional time for breaks. From here, we will compare recommended transportation options by point of departure. We also link to a page that provides specific directions.
From Tokyo to Koyasan
Getting to Koyasan from Tokyo offers the most options, making it difficult to decide which mode of transportation to choose. We have compiled a list of recommended routes for different situations. Table of Contents
If you want to avoid the hassle of preliminary research, reservations, etc >>> train
Except in high season, the easiest way, requiring no advance preparation or reservations, is to take the Shinkansen to Shin-Osaka and transfer to a train.
Take a train from Tokyo Station to Koyasan
Time required:less than 5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 16390 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Tokyo Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
The time required from Tokyo Station to Shin-Osaka Station is 2.5 hours by the Tokaido Shinkansen "Nozomi" train. In other words, in terms of time required alone, Shin-Osaka Station is almost the halfway point. From Shin-Osaka Station, you will need to transfer several times. Transfers within Osaka City are a bit complicated and there are several options, which are explained in detail on the following pages. Rail Access to Koyasan & Recommended Transfers Take the "Nankai Koya Line" to Gokurakubashi Station, and from there take the cable car to the top of Koyasan.
If you want to save some time and money >>> overnight bus
The above method is easy because there is less to think about, but the problem is that the cost of the Shinkansen is not very cheap unless you make a lot of efforts. If you want to go to Koyasan as cheaply as possible, and also want to save time, the best way is to use the Overnight Bus. Depending on the time of year and discounts, you can get from Tokyo to Osaka for as little as 2,000 yen. The destinations of overnight buses include Osaka Station (Umeda), Shin-Osaka, Tennoji, and Sakai, but considering that you will be transferring to the Nankai Koya Line, it is better to choose a bus bound for "Namba". There are several bus terminals in Namba. For example, the "Namba Express Bus Terminal (Nankai Namba Kosoku Bus Terminal)" is located at the same place as the "Namba Namba Station" on the Nankai Koya Line, making it very convenient. When arriving at this terminal, connections are easier than using the Shinkansen. However, many overnight buses arrive at OCAT, which is directly connected to JR Namba Station. In that case, you can walk to Namba Station, or take the JR train to Shin-Imamiya Station to avoid walking. If you take the overnight bus to Osaka, you can also take the early morning TRAIN to Koyasan, saving a great deal of time.
From Tokyo to Koyasan by Overnight Bus
Time required:Overnight + approx. 3 hours (2.5 hours if using Nankai Express) Total Fare:From about 4,000 yen (varies depending on the season and other factors. Plus 790 yen when using the Nankai Express) Number of transfers:More than 2 times Route:Shinjuku, Tokyo Station, etc. >> Namba >> Gokurakubashi >> Koyasan
Too much luggage, taking the elderly, want to enjoy conversation in a group, etc >>> Car
In such cases, taking a car from Tokyo is a viable option, even if it is a little more difficult to drive. Even if you are traveling alone, the total cost of highway fare and gasoline is likely to be lower than that of taking the Shinkansen, and it will certainly be cheaper if there are two or more passengers.
With a car, you can freely visit the sights around Koyasan. However, please note that traffic jams and difficulty in finding a parking space may occur during high season.
From Tokyo to Koyasan by Car
Time required:More than 7 hours Total Highway Fees:9250 yen (via Meihan National Highway) Approximate cost of gasoline:4,000 yen (varies widely depending on the car's fuel efficiency and gasoline prices) Number of transfers:none Route:Tokyo metropolitan area >> Tokyo Interchange, etc. >> Gotemba Junction >> Toyota Higashi Junction >> Yokkaichi Junction >> Kameyama Interchange >> Tenri Interchange >> Koriyama Shimotsudo Junction >> Kihoku Katsuragi Interchange >> Koyasan
For more information on driving routes and roadmaps from Tokyo to Koyasan, please see the Driving directions from Tokyo to Koyasan.
If you want to rent a car locally to get around >>> Airplane & Car
If you don't want to drive a car for more than 7 hours, or if you don't have a car but want to enjoy the freedom of traveling, you would use a rental car.
In this case, instead of taking the Shinkansen to Osaka and renting a Car, it is recommended to fly to Kansai Airport. In fact, Kansai Airport is located closer to Koyasan than Osaka City.
Many people may not think of air travel when traveling from Tokyo to the Kinki region. However, since the Tokyo-Osaka route competes with the Shinkansen, air travel is often discounted to a lower fare than the Shinkansen, making it a surprisingly inexpensive way to enjoy air travel.
Airplane travel time is about 1 hour and 20 minutes. Considering the route and procedures to get on the plane, the time required may not be much different from that of the Shinkansen. However, if you are going to Koyasan by rental car, the big advantage is that you will not have to drive through Osaka City.
Fly from Haneda Airport & rent a car to Koyasan
Time required:More than 4 hours Fare:Approx. 15,000 yen (varies depending on the time of year, etc.; rental car fee not included) Car rental fee is not included.) Number of transfers:1 Route:Haneda Airport >> Kansai Airport >> Koyasan
The route from Kansai Airport to Koyasan by car is shown in the following page. From Kansai Airport area to Koyasan ("Western Route" over the mountains by expressway) Depending on the time of year, a direct bus service from Kansai Airport to Koyasan is available, making air travel a viable option for those who do not rent a car. Table of Contents
From Osaka to Koyasan
The main means of transportation from Osaka to Koyasan is by train (e.g., Nankai Koya Line) or private car.The choice also depends on the purpose and situation. Table of Contents
Visit only the central part of Koyasan in high season >>> train
During high season, it is safer to take the TRAIN because of traffic jams and problems finding a parking space.It is easier to get around by local buses, on foot, or by cab, especially if you plan to visit or sightsee only within the mountain.
From Namba Station to Koyasan Station by train and cable
Time required:1 hour and 40 minutes (in case of using limited express) Total Fare:2180 yen (various discount programs available) Number of transfers:1 Route:Namba station >> Gokurakubashi station >> Koyasan Station
For information on how to ride the Nankai Koya Line and take advantage of discounts, please also refer to the page Getting to Koyasan by trains.There is also information on the special train "Tenku".
If you want to visit areas outside the center of Koyasan or if you are going with a group >>> Car
Koyasan has more to offer than just its temples.Repeat visitors who have already toured the interior of the mountain will want to visit other points of interest around Koyasan, such as Kudoyama and Niutsuhime Shrine, as well as Kumano Sanzan in the southern Kii Mountains and Ryujin Onsen Hot Springs. Buses to these destinations are very infrequent, so a car is by far the most convenient option.
Even if you travel alone, the total cost of highway fare and gasoline is almost the same as if you travel by train. If you go in a group, your travel costs will be much lower. In addition, most of the parking lots in Koyasan are free of charge. Cars are also convenient if you are traveling with the elderly or people with limited mobility.
From central Osaka (Dojima ramp) to Koyasan by car
Time required:More than 1 hour and 40 minutes Highway fee:1360 yen (when using expressway) Approximate cost of gasoline:800 yen Number of transfers:none Route:Dojima Ramp >> Matsubara Junction >> Kishida Izumi Interchange >> Nabetani Pass Road and Choki Bypass >> Kasada >> Koyasan
For more information on car routes and roadmaps from Osaka to Koyasan, please see the Comparison and Explanation of Car Routes from Osaka to Koyasan. Table of Contents
From Kyoto to Koyasan
The same is true for travel from Kyoto to Koyasan, where train or private car is a viable option, as it is for travel from Osaka. In recent years, however, a new method has emerged that is unique to Kyoto, a World Heritage city like Koyasan. Table of Contents
If you just want an easy round trip >>> direct bus
This is a direct express bus service from Kyoto to Koyasan without transfers (and can also be used for day trips). Although limited in duration, the service period has been greatly expanded since the beginning of 2021.
Express Bus from Kyoto Station to Koyasan
Time required:2.5 hours Fare:2,500 yen (for one-way purchase) Number of transfers:none Route:Kyoto Station >> Koyasan (Daimon or Okuno-in)
For more information about this "Kyoto-Koyasan Route", please see the Direct Highway Bus from Kyoto to Koyasan.
To Koyasan from other parts of Wakayama Prefecture
If you are from within Wakayama Prefecture, it is recommended to go by car if you have a private car (except in high season). Table of Contents
If you want to visit other points of interest in Wakayama Prefecture on the way to Koyasan >>> Car
If you have a car, you can enjoy a variety of trails while stopping at other attractions in the prefecture.
For information on how to get to Koyasan by car while stopping at tourist attractions in Wakayama Prefecture, please refer to the Highlights around Koyasan. Table of Contents
From Wakayama City to Koyasan in the High season >>> train
If you don't have a car, train is your main option (or a cab if you are willing to spend the money...).
If you take trains from Wakayama Station to Koyasan Station, it will take longer than the distance, and it may be slightly faster to go via Sakai in Osaka. However, it is not much faster, so it is better to take the shortest route below.
Train routes from Wakayama to Koyasan
Time required:2.5 hours Total Fare:1810 yen Number of transfers:2 Route:Wakayama station >> Hashimoto station >> Gokurakubashi station >> Koyasan
From Nara City to Koyasan
If you have a car or rental car, it is recommended to drive from Nara to Koyasan at normal times. Table of Contents
Traveling to Koyasan from Nara City during normal times of the year >>> Car
From Nara Park to Koyasan by car
Time required:1 hour and 40 minutes Highway fee:little or nothing Number of transfers:none Route:Nara >> Tenri Interchange >> Koriyama Shimotsudo Junction >> Kihoku Katsuragi Interchange >> Koyasan
If you are going to Koyasan from Nara City in high season >>> train
If you are going to Koyasan during the high season, and you are mainly interested in visiting only center of Koyasan, it is safer to take the train, just as you would from Osaka.
A typical route is to take the Kansai Main Line to Shin-Imamiya (40 minutes by rapid train) and transfer to the Nankai Koya Line.
From Nara City to Koyasan by Train
Time required:Approx. 3 hours Total Fare:1960 yen Number of transfers: Route:Nara Station >> Shin-Imamiya Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
For information on transfers in Osaka, please refer to Transfers when arriving in Osaka by JR conventional lines or Kintetsu. Table of Contents
If you are going to Koyasan from the southern part of Nara Prefecture >>> Car or train
If you are traveling to Koyasan from Asuka, Yoshino, or other areas in central to southern Nara Prefecture, it is also generally convenient to take a car.
From Yoshinoyama to Koyasan by car
Time required:Approx. 1 hour and 40 minutes Highway fee:none Number of transfers:none Route:Yoshinoyama >> Yoshino City >> Gojo Interchange >> Kihoku Katsuragi Interchange >> Koyasan
To get there from Yoshino by train, take the Kintetsu Yoshino Line, JR Wakayama Line, or Nankai Koya Line.
From Yoshino Station to Koyasan Station by train
Time required:Approx. 3 hours Total Fare:1760円 Number of transfers:3 Route:Yoshino Station >> Yoshinoguchi Station >> Hashimoto Station >> Gokurakuji Station >> Koyasan Station
From Nagoya to Koyasan
Which transportation is the best to get to Koyasan from Nagoya? Nagoya is a bit far from Koyasan, so you may be wondering whether to go by car or by train. Therefore, we do not recommend one over the other. Table of Contents
Compare car and train routes from Nagoya
When traveling to Koyasan from Nagoya by car, there is a route that uses the Meishin Expressway, but if you choose a more southerly course, you can save a lot of money on expressway fees (since the "Meihan National Expressway," which is effectively a free expressway, can be used for free).
From Nagoya (Nagoya-Nishi Junction) to Koyasan by Car
Time required:Approx. 3.5 hours Total Highway Fees:2000 yen (standard cars) Number of transfers:none Route:Nagoya Nishi Junction >> Kameyama Junction >> Tenri Interchange >> Koriyama Shimotsudo Junction >> Kihoku Katsuragi Interchange >> Koyasan
For more information, please refer to Car Route from Nagoya to Koyasan.
Then, what if you want to go from Nagoya to Koyasan by train?
If you choose the "Southern Route" using the Kintetsu Line instead of the "Northern Route" using the Shinkansen, the fare will be cheaper. Also, even if you use the same Kintetsu line, there are two routes: one via Osaka and the other by transferring to the JR Wakayama line at Yamatotakada station.
From Nagoya to Koyasan by train (Shinkansen)
Time required:3 to 3.5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 7,600 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Nagoya Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Nagoya to Koyasan by train (via Kintetsu and Osaka)
Time required:4 to 4.5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 6300 yen Number of transfers:2 Route:Kintetsu Nagoya Station >> Osaka Namba Station/Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Nagoya to Koyasan by train (using Kintetsu and JR Wakayama line)
Time required:4 to 6 hours Total Fare:Approx. 3,700 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Kintetsu Nagoya Station >> Yamatotakada Station >> Hashimoto Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
from Western Japan to Koyasan
When traveling to Koyasan from other regions, the criteria are basically similar to From Tokyo to Koyasan, although it depends on the distance from the Shinkansen station or airport.
The following is a summary of routes, travel times, and fares by train for comparison with highway buses and air travel when traveling to Koyasan by train from major cities in western Japan.
In the map below, the red lines indicate the Shinkansen and Nankai Koya Line.
From Okayama to Koyasan
Time required:Around 3 hours Total Fare:Approx. 7,300 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Okayama Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Hiroshima to Koyasan
Time required:Around 3.5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 12,000 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Hiroshima Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Tokushima to Koyasan
taking a Highway bus to OsakaTime required:Around 4 hours and 40 minutes Total Fare:Approx. 6,000 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Tokushima station >> Umeda station >> Namba station >> Gokurakubashi station >> Koyasan Station
From Takamatsu to Koyasan
Time required:Around 4.5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 9,000 yen Number of transfers:4 Route:Takamatsu Station >> Okayama Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Matsuyama to Koyasan
Time required:Around 6 hours Total Fare:Approx. 13,000 yen Number of transfers:4 Route:Matsuyama Station >> Okayama Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Kochi to Koyasan
Time required:Around 7 hours Total Fare:Approx. 13,000 yen Number of transfers:4 Route:Kochi station >> Okayama station >> Shin-Osaka station >> Namba station >> Gokurakubashi station >> Koyasan Station
From Hakata to Koyasan
Time required:4.5 to 5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 17,000 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Hakata Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Oita to Koyasan
Time required:Around 7 hours Total Fare:Approx. 20,000 yen Number of transfers:4 Route:Oita Station >> Kokura Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Saga to Koyasan
Time required:Around 6 hours Total Fare:Approx. 20,000 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Saga Station >> Hakata Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Nagasaki to Koyasan
Time required:Around 7 hours Total Fare:Approx. 21,500 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Nagasaki Station >> Hakata Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Kagoshima to Koyasan
Time required:Around 8 hours Total Fare:Approx. 23,000 yen Number of transfers:3 Route:Kagoshima Chuo Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station
From Miyazaki to Koyasan
Time required:Around 9.5 hours Total Fare:Approx. 27,000 yen (If you take only trains. A little cheaper if you take a bus to Shin-Yatsushiro station.) Number of transfers:4 Route:Miyazaki Station >> Kagoshima Chuo Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Shin-Osaka Station >> Namba Station >> Gokurakubashi Station >> Koyasan Station